Virtual Sessions


Cynthia Wood
Ortho-Bionomy® Instructor/Practitioner

336 Baker Avenue,
West Concord, MA

(617) 678-8920

   Rates and Scheduling

Virtual essions can be scheduled Monday to Friday during school hours. Appointments are usually between 9:30 am and 2:00 pm.

Ortho-Bionomy has energetic and distant techniques as well as physical ones. In person, the different approaches combine into a fluid combination. When we were in lock down due to the pandemic, I experimented with virtual sessions on Zoom. I am thrilled  at how effective these are. A virtual session is now a regular alternative in my practice and it has enabled me to work with people at a greater geographic distances or when, for whatever reason, a virtual session is preferred to an office visit.

Virtual sessions
60 minutes $100

To schedule an appointment, please e-mail or call.

Cynthia’s work goes far beyond bodywork. I truly feel that she’s getting to some core issues on the mental, emotional, and spiritual plans that could not be released in other ways. She’s also extremely caring, brilliantly intuitive, and whether my session is in person or remote, it’s just as powerful. I cannot recommend her enough! What she does is unique, and I am so grateful I found her.

Gretchen Dunoyer

I have had several virtual sessions with Cynthia and they’ve all been amazing. What she picks up on is exactly what is going on in my body. She is very effective. I can feel the energy move and shift as she works on me. I notice the changes happening as she is working on me and by the end I am relaxed and my body feels great. I highly recommend her.

Wendy Derby, equestrian and animal communicator