Virtual Sessions
Cynthia Wood
Ortho-Bionomy® Instructor/Practitioner
336 Baker Avenue,
West Concord, MA
(617) 678-8920
Rates and Scheduling
Virtual essions can be scheduled Monday to Friday during school hours. Appointments are usually between 9:30 am and 2:00 pm.
Ortho-Bionomy has energetic and distant techniques as well as physical ones. In person, the different approaches combine into a fluid combination. When we were in lock down due to the pandemic, I experimented with virtual sessions on Zoom. I am thrilled at how effective these are. A virtual session is now a regular alternative in my practice and it has enabled me to work with people at a greater geographic distances or when, for whatever reason, a virtual session is preferred to an office visit.
Virtual sessions
60 minutes $100
To schedule an appointment, please e-mail or call.
—Gretchen Dunoyer
I have had several virtual sessions with Cynthia and they’ve all been amazing. What she picks up on is exactly what is going on in my body. She is very effective. I can feel the energy move and shift as she works on me. I notice the changes happening as she is working on me and by the end I am relaxed and my body feels great. I highly recommend her.
—Wendy Derby, equestrian and animal communicator